Computer vs. Video Game System: Ready to Rumble in the #EnergyFaceoff Jungle

Q&A Which appliance do you think is more efficient? Tell Us Original link
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4120 Hits

DOE Announces Webinars on High Impact Building Technologies, a New Better Buildings Resource, and More

EERE offers webinars to the public on a range of subjects, from adopting the latest energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies, to training for the clean energy workforce. Webinars are free; however, advanced registration is typically required. You can also watch archived webinars and browse previously aired videos, slides, and transcripts. Upcoming Webinars November 4: Finding the Next Big Thing(s) in Building Energy Efficiency: HIT Catalyst and the Technology Demo Program Webinar Sponsor: Better Buildings Challenge The Energy Department will present a live webinar titled “Finding the Next Big Thing(s) in Building Energy Efficiency: HIT Catalyst and the Technology Demo Program” on Tuesday, November 4, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Learn how the Energy Department prioritizes high impact technologies (HITs) to advance energy efficiency. Hear from a Better Buildings program participant who is working with Energy Department staff to test promising technologies in buildings. Learn what they...
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Energy Efficiency Tricks to Stop Your Energy Bill from Haunting You

To commemorate National Energy Action Month, we’re featuring some scarily effective ways to save energy at home. As cooler weather lurks around the corner, tune in to all week long for ways to save energy and money -- and avoid cold weather terrors like energy vampires. We also put together some energy-themed pumpkin patterns to help “energize” your neighborhood for Halloween. Send us photos of your energy-themed jack-o-lanterns via Twitter , Instagram , Facebook or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll share our favorites. It has long been said that on All Hallows’ Eve the boundary between the living world and dead thins, allowing spirits to run free. Ghosts and goblins roam the earth, witches take to the sky on their broomsticks and vampires rise from the dead. Whether you believe in paranormal activity or not, this Halloween don’t let your energy bill give you a scare. Defend yourself from unwanted...
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5139 Hits

How Much Are Your Appliances and Electronics Costing You?

1000 Independence Ave. SW Washington DC 20585 202-586-5000 Original link
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Energy Department Announces $15 Million to Integrate Affordable Solar Energy into Nation’s Electrical Grid

WASHINGTON – Supporting the goals of the Obama Administration’s Climate Action Plan, the Energy Department today announced $15 million in available funding to help integrate distributed, on-site solar energy systems into the nation’s electrical grid. With more solar power installed in the United States in the last 18 months than in 30 years prior, solar is shattering records. Since President Obama took office, the amount of solar power installed in the U.S. has increased more than thirteen fold – from 1.2 gigawatts (GW) in 2008 to an estimated 15.9 GW today – enough to power the equivalent of 3.2 million average American homes. As more solar comes online, the Energy Department is working to address the challenges of solar power, such as the variability of available sunshine during the day, and developing solutions to better integrate solar photovoltaics (PV) with electric power systems throughout the grid. To further spur widespread deployment...
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3103 Hits

Energy Department Announces $10 Million for Full-Scale Wave Energy Device Testing

The Energy Department, in coordination with the Navy, today announced funding for two companies that will continue to advance marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) technology as a viable source for America’s clean energy future. Ocean Energy USA and Northwest Energy Innovations will test their innovative wave energy conversion (WEC) devices for one year in new deep water test berths at the Navy’s Wave Energy Test Site (WETS) off the waters of Marine Corps Base Hawaii. MHK technologies convert the energy of waves, tides, rivers, and ocean currents into clean, renewable electricity that can be used by homes and businesses throughout the country. With abundant resources in coastal areas across the United States, MHK technologies hold the potential to help meet America’s renewable energy needs. A total of $10 million has been made available for these in-water tests to collect important performance, reliability, and cost data from innovative WEC devices that are in...
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#AskEnergySaver: Home Heating

To help you save money by saving energy, we launched #AskEnergySaver -- an online series that gives you access to some of the Energy Department’s home energy efficiency experts. During 2014, experts from the Department and our National Labs will be answering your energy-saving questions and sharing their advice on ways to improve your home’s comfort. Home heating and cooling account for about 48 percent of the average utility bill. As the weather gets cooler, it’s important to weatherize your home in order to save money while staying cozy. And while we have lots of great tips for saving on heating and cooling , we know there are always more questions to be answered. This month we asked you to share your questions about home heating. To answer them we turned to Iain Walker , a scientist at the Energy Department’s Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. His research focuses on how ventilation...
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Energy Department Launches H2 Refuel H-Prize Competition for Small-Scale Hydrogen Refueling Systems

The Energy Department today announced the launch of the $1 million H2 Refuel H-Prize.  This two-year competition challenges America's engineers and entrepreneurs to develop affordable systems for small-scale, non-commercial hydrogen fueling. These projects will continue to deploy hydrogen infrastructure across the country to support more transportation energy options for U.S. consumers, including fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs).  Successful entries will install and test systems that generate hydrogen from resources available at most homes, like electricity or natural gas, and provide the hydrogen to fuel vehicles. This competition plans to offer a $1 million cash prize to the team that demonstrates the best system. Hydrogen infrastructure remains the most critical barrier to the widespread adoption of FCEVs.  Both government and industry are focused on identifying actions to encourage early adopters of FCEVs, by conducting coordinated technical and market analysis and leveraging other alternative fueling infrastructure to enable cost reductions and economies of...
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3176 Hits

What Can Solar Do for You

My townhome doesn't allow solar panels. To the homeowners association (HOA), they are ugly and disrupt the cohesive (cough, cookie-cutter) look of the neighborhood. To me this was a blow. Not only do I think solar panels look cool, I work at the National Renewable Energy Lab. I talk about energy-efficiency on Energy Saver social media, and I used to constantly nag my roommate to turn off her lights. (At one point I secretly switched all her light bulbs to LEDs without her noticing.) So needless to say, I wanted to install solar panels. But while I don't have the option for solar panels (at least until the HOA wakes up and changes its policy), many of you out there do! This month we've talked all about how to use solar energy, but we haven't talked about why. Well, you're in luck. Today, you get to hear all about what solar...
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Taking on Scary Basements

To commemorate National Energy Action Month, we’re featuring some scarily effective ways to save energy at home. As cooler weather lurks around the corner, tune in to all week long for ways to save energy and money -- and avoid cold weather terrors like energy vampires. We also put together some energy-themed pumpkin patterns to help “energize” your neighborhood for Halloween. Send us photos of your energy-themed jack-o-lanterns via Twitter , Instagram , Facebook or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll share our favorites. As Halloween draws near, I can’t help but think about basements. While you won’t find them in every home across the country, basements are often neglected and unused spaces. They can harbor air and/or water leaks, and depending on where you live, they can be susceptible to dampness, humidity or mold. Some might say basements are energy monsters in their own right -- they can potentially gobble...
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Proven Horsepower at ZeroRPM