Today, the Energy Department launched the $2 million Technologist in Residence (TIR) pilot to strengthen U.S. clean energy manufacturing competitiveness and enhance the commercial impact of its national laboratories . TIR will catalyze strong laboratory-industry relationships that will lead to high-impact collaborative research and development (R&D) and will develop mechanisms to help interested companies more easily connect and form relationships with the Department's national labs moving forward. With the launch of TIR, the Energy Department has released a competitive solicitation to invite the national labs to partner with industry and apply for TIR in "technologist" pairs. The competitively selected technologist pairs will comprise one senior technical staff member from a national lab and another from a manufacturing company or consortium of companies. Over the two-year TIR pilot, each technologist pair will work together to first identify the technical challenges of interest to the participating company or consortium and the resources and...
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