Newly released heat content data allow for state-to-state natural gas comparisons

The heat content of natural gas, or the amount of energy released when a volume of gas is burned, varies according to the extent that gases with higher heat content than methane are included in delivered gas. EIA is now publishing the heat content of end-use natural gas by state in the Natural Gas Monthly.
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Net energy imports as share of consumption at lowest level in 29 years

Total U.S. net imports of energy as a share of energy consumption fell to their lowest level in 29 years for the first six months of 2014. Total energy consumption in the first six months of 2014 was 3% above consumption during the first six months of 2013, but consumption growth was outpaced by increases in total energy production. These changes led to a 17% reduction in net imports compared with the first six months of 2013.
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Lower petrochemical use of propane driven by wider price spread between propane and ethane

Propane demand is expected to be 110,000 barrels per day lower on average in 2014 compared to 2013 because of reduced demand from petrochemical plants, according to EIA's Short-Term Energy Outlook. In contrast to propane used as a heating fuel in buildings during colder months and as a crop-drying fuel during the harvest season, both of which are highly seasonal and weather dependent, petrochemical consumption of propane has relatively little seasonality.
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Lower demand, higher supply drive oil prices to lowest level since 2012

The price of North Sea Brent crude oil has fallen to around $91 per barrel, the lowest level in more than two years and about 21% lower than its year-to-date peak of $115 per barrel on June 19. Before its recent decline, average monthly Brent spot prices had traded within a narrow $5 per barrel range, from $107 to $112 per barrel, for 13 consecutive months through July 2014.
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Less severe weather means lower expected household heating bills this winter

After the unusually cold winter of 2013-14, U.S. households can expect lower heating expenditures this winter (October through March) compared with last winter. According to EIA's Short-Term Energy and Winter Fuels Outlook, average household expenditures for homes heating primarily with natural gas will total $649 this winter, a $31 decline from last winter's average.
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California drought leads to less hydropower, increased natural gas generation

The drought in California continues to increase in severity since California's governor declared a state of drought emergency in January 2014. As of September 30, 58% of the state was classified as experiencing exceptional drought, the most intense drought category. These dry conditions limit hydropower generation, requiring generation from other sources to make up for the shortfall.
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U.S. coal exports fall on lower European demand, increased global supply

U.S. coal exports have continued to decline from record volumes in 2012. During first-half 2014, coal exports totaled 52.3 MMst, 16% below the same period in 2013. Most of these exports go to countries in Europe and Asia. Export declines reflect both lower European demand for steam coal and increased steam coal supply from Australia and Indonesia. Metallurgical coal supply from Australia, Canada, and Russia has also increased. These factors have led to a cumulative decline of 9.0 MMst in coal exports to Europe and Asia during first-half 2014.
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Propane use for crop drying depends on weather and corn markets as well as crop size

Ohe U.S. Department of Agriculture expects this fall's corn harvest to be slightly larger than last fall's record harvest. Depending on the timing and moisture content of the crop, the harvest could have effects on the propane market, as propane is among the fuels used for crop-drying. Propane consumption in corn-producing states typically rises in September and October with the corn harvest, followed by a larger rise related to space-heating needs in January.
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3784 Hits

Natural gas storage injections typically continue beyond the end of October

In natural gas markets, analysts refer to the storage injection season as running from April 1 through October 31 of each year, but these dates are not strict cutoff points. In each of the past 11 years, going back to the first full year of EIA's weekly gas storage surveys, there have been net injections during one or more weeks in November. In 6 of those years, there have been multiple weeks of net injections. There have also been multiple weeks within the injection season when the weekly change resulted in a net withdrawal.
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California’s subhourly wholesale electricity market opens to systems outside its footprint

On October 1, the grid operator for most of California will begin simulating the balancing of subhourly electricity supply and demand for PacifiCorp's electric service areas in the western United States through an energy imbalance market. After a month of simulation, financially binding operations will begin on November 1. By adding its generation resources to the resource pool of the California ISO to meet subhourly electricity imbalances, PacifiCorp anticipates enhanced reliability and cost savings, particularly in the face of higher levels of renewable energy generation in the West.
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3466 Hits

Proven Horsepower at ZeroRPM