New Eagle Ford wells continue to show higher production

Increased drilling and improved drilling efficiency have led to significant crude oil production increases in the Eagle Ford region in southern Texas. These increases have occurred despite the region's relatively high well decline rates. However, by offsetting the natural declines through the use of new recovery techniques, further production increases are possible.
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Minimum efficiency standards for electric motors will soon increase

Nearly half of the electricity consumed in the manufacturing sector is used for powering motors, such as for fans, pumps, conveyors, and compressors. For more than three decades the efficiency of new motors has been regulated pursuant to federal law. Beginning in mid-2016, an updated standard established this year by the U.S. Department of Energy for electric motors will once again increase the minimum efficiency of new motors.
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Everywhere but Northeast, fewer homes choose natural gas as heating fuel

On a national basis, natural gas has long been the dominant choice for primary heating fuel in the residential sector. Lately, electricity has been gaining market share while natural gas, distillate fuel oil, kerosene, and liquefied petroleum gas (propane) have declined.
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Saudi Arabia uses largest amount of crude oil for power generation since 2010

Saudi Arabia is one of a handful of countries that burn crude oil directly for power generation, according to the Joint Organizations Data Initiative (JODI). During the summer, Saudi Arabia typically experiences an increase in electricity consumption as domestic demand for air conditioning rises. Saudi Arabia burned 0.9 million barrels per day (bbl/d) of crude oil in July, the highest ever recorded in JODI data for the month of July and the highest overall since August 2010.
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Higher Permian production, constrained infrastructure increase spread between WTI oil hubs

Increasing production of crude oil in the Permian Basin in western Texas has outpaced pipeline infrastructure to move the crude to refineries, causing prices for crude in the Permian (at Midland, Texas) to fall below similar crudes priced at Cushing, Oklahoma. While the price difference between Midland and Cushing has been increasing for almost a year, recent refinery outages in the region caused it to widen substantially. Several infrastructure projects that will allow more crude to flow from the Permian to the U.S. Gulf Coast are expected to come online soon, which should cause this price difference to narrow.
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European nations are increasing electricity generation using no-carbon sources

Penetration rates of no-carbon generation have increased from 50% to 56% in recent years in Europe, as European Union countries work towards renewable energy and greenhouse gas emissions targets. Increasing levels of renewable generation, along with nuclear generation, mean that many European countries generate a large share of electricity from no-carbon sources.
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Russia looks beyond West Siberia for future oil and natural gas growth

Russia was the world's largest producer of crude oil (including lease condensate) and the world's second-largest producer of dry natural gas in 2013. Most of Russia's crude oil and natural gas production occurs in West Siberia, a part of central Russia that stretches from the northern border of Kazakhstan to the Arctic Ocean. However, new technologies, growing Asian markets, and Western sanctions have the potential to shift the regional balance of Russian oil and natural gas production in the long term.
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Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative auction prices continue to rise

September 3 marked the 25th auction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission allowances by the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a cap-and-trade program covering nine states primarily in the northeastern United States. Allowance prices for this auction were $4.88, marking the third consecutive auction that prices were at or above $4 per short ton of CO2
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Panama Canal expansion will allow transit of larger ships with greater volumes

Ships carrying crude oil and petroleum products are limited by size restrictions imposed by several of the main thoroughfares of maritime navigation: the Panama Canal, the Suez Canal, and the Strait of Malacca. These size restrictions provide another way to classify the large tankers that carry most of global crude oil and petroleum product trade.
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Oil tanker sizes range from general purpose to ultra-large crude carriers on AFRA scale

The global crude oil and refined product tanker fleet uses a classification system to standardize contract terms, establish shipping costs, and determine the ability of ships to travel into ports or through certain straights and channels. This system, known as the Average Freight Rate Assessment system, was created by Royal Dutch Shell six decades ago, and is overseen by the London Tanker Brokers' Panel, an independent group of shipping brokers.
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Proven Horsepower at ZeroRPM